10 things you should keep in mind while travelling abroad

1) Don’t expect everywhere to understand your language, a few words and
phrases in that country’s language goes a long way

2) Plug outlets may be different – don’t forget you travel adapter

3) It’s a good idea to take spare padlocks – many hostels have lockers you
need your own padlock for

4) Opening hours/days of shops may be different to what you’re used to –
research and plan ahead!

5) In some countries, debit/credit card might not be widely accepted –
remember to bring cash

6) Punctuality of transport may not be as good in some countries compared to others – leave plenty of time for connections etc in case of

7) If you’re used to always having good WiFi, be prepared in case you travel somewhere with a poor/no connection – screenshot important things,
such as boarding cards on your phone in advance

8) Although a lot of people (the majority) you come across will be
genuinely friendly, there are still those out there looking to scam you,
especially in busy cities – keep an eye on your belongings at all times

9) Some countries use a different voltage to others, which may affect the
power output of devices, such as phone chargers

10) If you have a specialized diet, you may find it difficult to find suitable
food to eat, consider taking some snacks with you and researching
places that can cater to your needs




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