Eat Right With Amritha -Amritha Wellness Center

1. Can we have too much fruit?

The reason why we don’t want to eat unlimited amounts of fruit each day is that, while it is loaded with nutrients, it’s still a source of carbs and even too much of a healthy food can have negative effects, like weight gain.

We shouldn’t eat an unlimited amount of fruit, or even overdo it:One medium apple, a cup of blueberries, and a small banana each contain about 20 grams. It’s important to get a healthy amount of carbs in your daily diet, to fuel the activity of your cells. But when you eat more carbs than you can burn after a meal or snack, the surplus can either feed existing fat, or even increase your body fat stores.

As a general rule, we probably need somewhere between two to four servings of fruit a day. Which is like either one cup, or a piece of fruit about the size of a baseball. 

The bottom line is that fruit is healthy and it’s certainly a better option than reaching for the biscuit jar or vending machine.

2. How much caffeine is too much? 

Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That’s roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee.

Over-consuming caffeine can cause:

* insomnia * jitters * anxiousness * fast heart rate * upset stomach * nausea * headache * a feeling of unhappiness (dysphoria)

3. What is Clean Eating 

Clean eating focuses on consuming whole foods that are minimally processed and as close to their natural form as possible avoiding gluten, refined, plant based protein sources and diary products . Although there is limited research on the health effects of clean eating, clean eating trends have become increasingly popular through the use of various media outlets including, blogs, television segments, and magazine articles.

Scientific evidences claims the signs of anorexia from a clean eating diet that lacks a variety of food sources or fails to provide enough food.

4. Are fermented food helps in heart disease

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that play an important role in maintaining gut health. Eating probiotics can have a modest effect on high blood pressure, there by keeping your heart healthy. 

Sauerkraut – fermented cabbage may contribute to a healthier heart.

That’s because it contains a good amount of fiber and probiotics, both of which may help reduce cholesterol levels.

Moreover, sauerkraut is one of the rare plant sources of menaquinone, more commonly known as vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 is believed to help reduce heart disease by preventing calcium deposits from accumulating in the arteries. 

5. Are Artificial Sugars better than sugar

Obviously yes its better as it doesn’t raise your blood sugar levels like table sugar does. 

When you are trying to lose weight or to control your diabetes artificial sweeteners are the best to be preferred. But some evidence-based studies have shown the negative effects of using artificial sweeteners such as addiction towards it and finding difficulty to switch to natural sugars. Some are concerned that sweeteners may alter our taste for foods so that we start to find naturally sweet foods, such as fruit, less appealing and crave more sugary foods.



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